5 Website Health Checks for a Strong Start to 2025

Shifting business goals, evolving technologies, and new regulations can all leave their mark on your digital presence. What worked for the business in January 2024 might now be outdated, broken, or just plain wrong. Here are 5 website health checks you should review now.

emmets social table fort mill
Fort Mill

Welcome to Fort Mill / Emmet’s Social Table

Fort Mill really smells.

It’s actually one of the things we love most about our office location on Main Street. Arriving early morning, and depending on the day, the air is rich with aromas – hops from Amor Artis, smoked hickory from The Improper Pig, grilled prime cuts from Hobos. It’s a bouquet of goodness for the nose and it really doesn’t get much better.

Except is was, and not too long ago.

Southern Sugar, a gourmet bakery and coffee shop once occupied the space on the lower floor of the Centre Theater. The buttery smells of fresh cronuts and coffee was almost too much for the brain to process when paired with the crisp, cool breeze of a fall morning in Fort Mill. Unfortunately, Southern Sugar closed its doors and the funky eatery space stood empty for quite some time.

Enter Emmet’s Social Table

Emmet’s Social Table, a popular restaurant and bar in Waxhaw, signed their lease as the pandemic rocked the world. For months after the news broke, the eatery stood quiet, and we wondered if Emmet’s would still take the plunge. So we were so pleased to begin hearing the sounds of progress – new construction and fire alarm tests filling our offices (…the Centre Theater is an old building, which means the walls are, um thin). The outdoor patio has taken new life, with a weather covering and planters boxes, and a rustic Emmet’s sign is mounted high on the theater’s brick walls – foreshadowing of the vibe Emmet’s will surely bring to Main Street.

emmets social table fort mill


So it is with open arms (and nostrils), that we welcome Emmet’s Social Table to Fort Mill! We are excited for opening day, and look forward to your savory aromas complimenting the morning air.

We’ll see you for lunch (and drinks)!

The Team at Peaktwo