5 Website Health Checks for a Strong Start to 2025

Shifting business goals, evolving technologies, and new regulations can all leave their mark on your digital presence. What worked for the business in January 2024 might now be outdated, broken, or just plain wrong. Here are 5 website health checks you should review now.

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Go Kylo! Peaktwo Site for Hillcrest Labs Big Screen Browser is Live

If you read the account of our online/constant-connection obsession in the Washington Post, you know the PeakTwo partners loves us some technology. We’re also crazy movie junkies (you can’t touch us on Reservoir Dogs references) and seeing who can out-pace the other in TV size — Mike takes that hands down, BTW.

In that video-Internet-hypermedia spirit, we’re definitely pleased to announce the launch of Kylo.tv, the site we’ve built with Hillcrest Labs, the Kylo creators. So what’s Kylo? A super-sized web browser built specifically to work on your big screen HDTV. We’re having a blast with it, watching movies on NetFlix, and scrolling through our favorite YouTube vids.

Our work with Hillcrest began last fall, when we came in to help build some awareness of the Loop Pointer, a funky wireless Web navigator that — surprise — works great with Kylo. We ginned up some holiday momentum, built a microsite and some point-of-purchase collateral. Fun, B2C stuff. Between the Loop and Kylo, we may not watch broadcast, cable or satellite TV again.

Check it out. Let us know what you think of the site, and of Kylo itself — the download is free.